Assignment History Report
The Assignment History Report displays assignment information such as training title, start date, end date, and time spent.

Report Parameters
Label | Description |
Date to Use | Allows you to select a date to use in the report. There are four date options: creation date, assignment date, completion date, and overdue date. |
Active or Start | Allows you to select the state of the assignment. There are two options: starting between and active or completed. |
Date Range | Displays the date range. |
Begin Date | Allows you to select the begin date of the date range. |
End Date | Allows you to select the end date of the date range. |
Training | Allows you to select the training(s) to include in the report. All training is selected by default. You can select a single training by clicking Choose One. |
Assignment | Allows you to select the assignment(s) to include in the report. All assignments are selected by default. You can select a single assignment by clicking Choose One. |
Level of Detail | Allows you to select
the level of detail of the report. There are four options:
Category | Allows you to select assignment categories to include in the report by clicking the green button. |
Assignment Status | Allows you to select assignment status type. You can select more than one status type to run the report on. |
Run | Displays the report. |
Cancel | Returns user to the Reports screen. |